Past Gigs
Fri 6th Dec – Claptrap, Stourbridge (full band)
Fri 22nd Nov – The Marr’s Bar, Worcester (supporting Gaz Brookfield)
Fri 18th Oct – The Chester Tavern, Kidderminster (supporting Nick Parker)
Thur 10th Oct – The Needle & Pin, Loughborough
Thur 19th Sept – The Plough, Worcester
Fri 13th Sept – The Marr’s Bar, Worcester (Full band – WMF)
Sat 20th July – KK’s Steel Mill, Wolverhampton (supporting The Smyths)
Thur 13th June – Rock n Roll Brewhouse, Birmingham (supporting TV Smith)
Fri 10th May – The Chester Tavern, Kidderminster (supporting Attila The Stockbroker)
Fri 5th April – The Night Owl, Birmingham (supporting The Len Price 3)
Fri 8th March – St. Swithuns Church, Worcester (supporting Man & The Echo)
Fri 1st March – Retro, Manchester (supporting The Len Price 3)
Fri 2nd Feb – The Marr’s Bar, Worcester (IVW)
Sat 27th Jan – Room at the Top (Claptrap), Stourbridge
Sat 20th Jan - The Chester Tavern, Kidderminster (supporting TV Smith)
Sat 3rd Dec – Claptrap, Stourbridge– supporting Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies
Friday 11th Nov – The Marr’s Bar , Worcester – The Humdrum Express + Skewwhiff + Emma Howett
Fri 28th Oct – Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge - supporting Gaz Brookfield
Fri 30th Sept – The Actress & Bishop, Birmingham - supporting Man & The Echo
Sun 18th Sept – Worcester Music Festival (The Firefly)
Sat 17th Sept – Hopfest, Bewdley
Fri 16th Sept – The Institute, Birmingham - supporting Half Man Half Biscuit
Sat 6th Aug – Stay Loose Records, Wolverhampton
Fri 29th July Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge - with Danbert Nobacon
Fri 15th July – Paradiddles, Worcester
Sat 2nd July – Newhampton Arts Centre, Wolverhampton (Community All-Dayer)
Sat 18th June – Claptrap, Stourbridge - Album launch with special guests Thee Dagger Debs
Fri 6th May – The Night Owl, Birmingham - supporting Corduroy
Sat 19th March – Market Tavern Blue Plaque Unveiling, Kidderminster
Fri 25th Feb – The Night Owl, Birmingham - supporting The Len Price 3
Thur 24th Feb – The Robin 2, Bilston - supporting The Vapors
Fri 14th Jan – Robin 2, Bilston - supporting John Otway & The Big Band
Thur 7th Dec - The Plough, Worcester
Thur 30th Nov - The Chester Tavern, Kidderminster
Fri 17th Nov - The Marrs' Bar, Worcester - supporting Gaz Brookfield
Fri 10th Nov - The Castle & Falcon, Birmingham - supporting Mad Dog McRea
Fri 29th Sept – The Hyde Park Book Club, Leeds - supporting The Len Price 3
Fri 22nd Sept – 45 Live, Kidderminster
Fri 1st Sept – The Chester Tavern, Kidderminster
Sat 8th July - Lichfield Fuse Festival
Fri 16th June – Paradiddles, Worcester
Thur 11th May - The Chester Tavern, Kidderminster
Fri 28th April– The Night Owl, Birmingham - supporting The Len Price 3
Fri 17th March – The Assembly, Leamington - supporting Half Man Half Biscuit
Thur 2nd March - The Actress & Bishop, Birmingham - supporting She Drew The Gun
Thur 2nd Feb – Drummonds, Worcester

Fri 29th Oct - The Castle & Falcon, Birmingham (Supporting CUD)
Fri 1st Oct - Claptrap, Stourbridge (supporting the Len Price 3)
Sat 18th Sept - Hopfest, Bewdley
Fri 30th July - Paradiddles, Worcester
Sun 6th June - Drummond's, Worcester
Sat 7th March - Katie's, Stourbridge (with Attila The Stockbroker)
Fri 6th March - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (with Blyth Power)
Sun 16th Feb - The Lamb and Flag, Worcester
Thur 6th Feb - The Retreat, Bewdley
Fri 31st Jan - Claptrap, Stourbridge (Ultracrepidarian Soup album launch + special guest TV Smith)

Thur 5th Dec - The Plough, Worcester (An evening with The Humdrum Express)
Thur 7th Nov - The Robin 2, Bilston (with Half Man Half Biscuit)
Fri 1st Nov - Annie's, Worcester (full band, headline show + MeMe Detroit and Shotgun Marmalade)
Fri 6th Sept - The Marr's Bar, Worcester (full band with The Len Price 3)
Sun 18th Aug - Kidderminster Fringe Festival (Main Stage 7.15pm)
Sun 11th Aug - Gheluvelt Park, Worcester (The Worcester Show, main stage)
Sat 10th Aug - Worcester Beer Festival (5.30pm, Worcester Racecourse)
Fri 5th July - The Night Owl, Birmingham (full band with The Chords UK)
Sat 15th June - Claptrap, Stourbridge (full band - Mary Steven's Hospice fundraiser)
Wed 12th June - The Hare & Hounds, Kings Heath (with Mighty Mighty)
Fri 7th June - Suburbs at The Holdroyd, Guildford (full band with The Len Price 3)
Fri 31st May - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (with Blyth Power)
Sun 12th May - The Lamb & Flag, Worcester (An evening with The Humdrum Express)
Fri 26th April - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (full band + Grande Valise)
Sat 6th April - Claptrap, Stourbridge (full band headline show + MeMe Detroit and Shotgun Marmalade)
Thur 28th March - The Plough, Worcester (An evening with The Humdrum Express)
Fri 22nd Feb - The Robin 2, Bilston (full band, with The Blockheads)
Wed 30th Jan - BBC Radio 6 Music session (Steve Lamacq show)
Sun 27th Jan - The Wellington, Birmingham (with Gary O'Dea)
Sat 19th Jan - The Marr's Bar, Worcester (with TV Smith and Unpunk't)

Mon 24th Dec - Town Hall, Kidderminster (with The Stiff Joints and Eccles Breed)
Sat 24th Nov - The Blue Orange Theatre, Birmingham (supporting Mark Morriss)
Fri 16th Nov - Claptrap the Venue, Stourbridge (full band, with The Len Price 3)
Fri 26th Oct - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (supporting Ian Prowse)
Sat 13th Oct - Claptrap the Venue, Stourbridge (full band gig)
Sat 15th Sept - The Sociable Beer Company (Worcester Music Festival, full band)
Thur 6th Sept - The Plough, Worcester
Sat 18th Aug - Kidderminster Fringe Festival (full band)
Sat 11th Aug - Worcester Beer Festival (3pm)
Sat 7th July - Banstock Festival, Wolverhampton
Thur 5th July - The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting John Otway)
Sat 16th June - Hopfest, Bewdley
Wed 23rd May - Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton
Sun 20th May - Lazy Sunday at Cafe Bliss, Worcester
Sat 12th May - Claptrap the Venue, Stourbridge (full band gig)
Fri 13th April - Rustic Folk Festival, Bewdley
Sat 7th April - The Boar's Head, Kidderminster (full band gig)
Fri 9th March - Paradiddles, Worcester
Fri 16th Feb - The Marr's Bar, Worcester (supporting John Otway)
Thur 8th Feb - The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting Half Man Half Biscuit)
Fri 12th Jan - Katie's, Stourbridge (with Attila The Stockbroker and Jess Silk)

Fri 10th Nov - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (supporting Mark Morriss)
Tue 7th Nov - Brum Radio session
Sat 4th Nov - The Flapper, Birmingham (with The Membranes and The Cravats)
Sat 28th Oct - The Flapper, Birmingham (supporting Cud)
Sat 7th Oct - The Rose Theatre, Kidderminster (special headline show)
Sat 30th Sept - The Marr's Bar, Worcester
Fri 22nd Sept - The Marr's Bar, Worcester (Musicians Against Homelessness)
Fri 15th Sept - Wolverley Social Club (Teenage Cancer Trust gig with Supertonics)
Sat 19th Aug - Kidderminster Fringe Festival
Sun 13th Aug - Lazy Sunday at Cafe Bliss, Worcester
Fri 11th Aug - KAF launch, Town Hall, Kidderminster
Sunday 30th July - Brum Radio session 7pm
Sunday 23rd July - Nozstock, The Hidden Valley, Bromyard
Fri 14th July - Mercure Hotel, Bewdley (Bewdley Festival programme launch)
Thur 6th July - Piccolo's, Bewdley
Sat 1st July - Bromsgrove Beer Festival
Fri 16th June - Hopfest
Sat 20th May - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (with Alcohol Licks, Sister Sandwich and Flying Ant Day)
Fri 12th May - St. George's Hall, Bewdley (with The Cherry Bluestorms)
Sun 16th April - Weaver's Real Ale House, Kidderminster
Sat 25th March - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (EP launch gig. Special guests Flying Ant Day and Sleuth)
Fri 10th Feb - ScaryCanary, Stourbridge (with Skewwhiff and Smokin' Pilchards)

Fri 16th Dec - Arts Workshop, Worcester (supporting Attila The Stockbroker)
Tue 29th Nov - The Marr's Bar, Worcester (supporting Dead Men Walking)
Sat 5th November - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (Artists 4 Syria benefit)
Sat 15th Oct - Oxfam, Stourbridge
Sat 8th Oct - The Lamb & Flag, Worcester (with Skewwhiff and Nigel Clark)
Thur 29th Sept - The Marr's Bar, Worcester (supporting The Eskies)
Sat 17th Sept - The Marrs Bar (Worcester Music Festival) with Rhino & The Ranters, Humm, Rita Lynch and Skewwhiff
Sun 21st Aug - Kidderminster Fringe Festival
Thur 28th July - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (with special guests Cal Doonican and Ian Marrey)
Tues 12th July - Brum Radio (live session)
Sat 11th June - RGG Wolves Fest, Wolverhampton
Fri 3rd June - Glastonwick
Fri 27th May - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (ALBUM LAUNCH NIGHT with very special guests ViX & her MsChiefs, Flying Ant Day and Jess Silk)
Fri 15th April - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (supporting TV Smith and Flying Ant Day)
Thurs 7th April - Piccolo's, Bewdley
Thurs 31st March - The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting John Otway and Wild Willy Barrett)
Sun 27th March - The Flapper, Birmingham (supporting And Also The Trees)
Thurs 25th Feb - Scary Canary, Stourbridge (plus special guests Jess Silk and PTR Williams)
Wed 3rd Feb - Robin 2, Bilston (supporting Ian McCulloch)
Sat 23rd Jan - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (Punk All-dayer)
Fri 22nd Jan 2016 - The Rainbow, Digbeth (supporting The Members and DeadFlowers)
Tue 12th Jan - Mouth & Music, Kidderminster
Sat 19th Dec Malvern Cube (Calais refugee fundraiser)
Thur 10th Dec - The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting Half Man Half Biscuit)
Thur 19th Nov - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (with Attila The Stockbroker and Cal Doonican)
Sun 20th Sept - The Lamb & Flag (Worcester Music Festival)
Sat 5th Sept - The Marrs Bar, Worcester (with Stiff Joints and Skewwhiff)
Thur 27th Aug - The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting John Otway's Big Band)
Sun 23rd Aug - Kidderminster Fringe Festival
Sat 8th Aug - Lakefest (BBC Introducing stage)
Thurs 23rd July - Scary Canary The Venue, Stourbridge
Sun 5th July - Stourbridge Carnival (Bridge FM stage)
Sat 4th July - Stourport Civic Centre
Thurs 28th May - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge
Wed 6th May - Scary Canary The Venue, Stourbridge (Permission To Speak)
Fri 24th April - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (supporting TV Smith and Skewwhiff)
Thurs 2nd April - Piccolo's, Bewdley
Sat 21st March - Brainstock. Rock Zombie, Dudley
Sat 7th March - The Artrix, Bromsgrove (supporting John Otway's Big Band)
Sun 22nd Feb - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (Born Bred Believes compilation album launch)
Fri 6th Feb - Kidderminster Town Hall (Sandra Nowocinska benefit gig)
Fri 19th Dec - Scary Canary The Venue, Stourbridge (Bo Pilar & The Mountain Valley Boys final gig)
Wed 17th Dec - The Sunflower Lounge, Birmingham (with tHe MeHaRiS)
Fri 5th Dec - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (supporting Attila The Stockbroker)
Sun 5th Oct - The Yardbird, Birmingham
Sat 27th Sept - Rock For Research, The Woodman, Birmingham
Sun 21st Sept - The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting John Otway & Wild Willy Barrett)
Thur 18th Sept - The River Rooms, Stourbridge (supporting Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls)
Sat 30th August - Worcester Music Festival (The Swan With Two Nicks)
Sat 16th Aug - Kidderminster Fringe Festival
Fri 1st August - Pope's Brewing Company, Worcester (with Calm Like A Riot and Wes Dance)
Sat 31st May - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (with Disco Tramps, Bo Pilar & The Mountain Valley Boys, and PTR Williams)
Thurs 8th May - Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (supporting Attila The Stockbroker)
Fri 25th April - Moochers, Stourbridge (supporting Deborah Bonham)
Sat 22nd Feb - The Boars Head, Kidderminster (with Blackballed, Disco Tramps, and Stevie Jones & The Wildfires)

20/12/13 The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting Chas 'n' Dave)
10/12/13 Mouth & Music @ The Boars Head, Kidderminster
5/12/13 The Robin 2 Bilston (supporting John Otway)
10/10/13 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (with Luke Concannon and Jimmy Davis)
8/9/13 Stourbridge Folk Festival
7/9/13 The Boars Head, Kidderminster (with Social Ignition, Blackballed and Stevie Jones)
30/8/13 The Horn & Trumpet (Worcester Music Festival)
11/8/13 Kidderminster Fringe Festival
3/8/13 Cock & Magpie, Bewdley (with RedDog)
1/8/13 Moochers, Stourbridge (supporting Hugh Cornwell)
26/7/13 Moochers, Stourbridge (with Andy Whittaker and Andy Clegg)
14/7/13 Worcester Arts Workshop (Lazy Sunday)
23/6/13 Moochers, Stourbridge
14/6/13 The Boars Head - Album launch (with Bo Pilar & The Mountain Valley Boys)
23/5/13 The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting Half Man Half Biscuit)
18/5/13 Moochers, Stourbridge (supporting Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls)
2/5/13 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge
23/3/13 The Unicorn, Malvern (with Calm Like A Riot)
16/3/13 Cock & Magpie, Bewdley (with RedDog)

31/12/12 The Boar's Head, Kidderminster (supporting Flat Stanley)
8/12/12 The Station Inn, Kidderminster (with Red Dog)
23/11/12 Kidderminster Library
20/11/12 The Bridge radio session
24/10/12 Katie Fitzgerald's Stourbridge
24/8/12 The Swan With Two Nicks (Worcester Music Festival)
12/8/12 Worcester Arts Workshop (Lazy Sunday)
28/7/12 The Boar's Head, Kidderminster (supporting Patrik Fitzgerald)
4/6/12 The Boar's Head (Jubilee Festival)
3/6/12 Katy O Ryan's, Hartlebury
16/5/12 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge
13/4/12 The Boar's Head (with Bo Pilar & The Mountain Valley Boys)
24/2/12 The Boar's Head (with Calm Like A Riot)
24/11/11 The Marrs Bar, Worcester (supporting Mike Peters)
9/11/11 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge (with Tom Lloyd)
20/10/11 The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting John Cooper Clarke)
9/10/11 Worcester Arts Workshop (Lazy Sunday)
6/10/11 The Boar's Head, Kidderminster (with Red Dog)
20/08/11 Rise Record Shop (Worcester Music Festival)
19/08/11 The Cricketer's (Worcester Music Festival)
11/08/11 Lock 42, Leicester (supporting The Wedding Present)
30/07/11 The Station Inn, Kidderminster (with Red Dog)
03/07/11 The Swan, Kidderminster (supporting Paperback Beatles)
01/05/11 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge
29/04/11 The Station Inn, Kidderminster (with The Missing Lynx and Red Dog)
14/04/11 The Swan, Kidderminster (with John & Yoko)
09/03/11 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge

17/12/10 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge
04/12/10 HMV Institute, Birmingham (supporting John Cooper Clarke)
28/10/10 The Swan, Kidderminster
(Elevation Of Trivia album launch, with Bo Pilar & The Mountain Valley Boys)
03/10/10 The Sunflower Lounge, Birmingham
30/09/10 The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting John Cooper Clarke)
15/09/10 The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting Half Man Half Biscuit)
22/08/10 The Marrs Bar (Worcester Music Festival)
20/08/10 The Cricketer's (Worcester Music Festival)
01/08/10 The Station Inn (with Red Dog)
04/07/10 Stourbridge Carnival
24/06/10 The Robin 2, Bilston (supporting Chas Hodges)
09/06/10 Katie Fitzgerald's, Stourbridge
07/05/10 The Marrs Bar, Worcester (with Calm Like A Riot)